Peoples Pharmacy LA Times Oct. 1, 2001
Q: I have a nasty toenail fungus and have taken Lamisil for two 90-day prescriptions to clear it up. I am a diabetic taking an ACE-inhibitor to prevent further damage to my kidneys, so I worry about taking more Lamisil.
The fungus is still there, but I've heard that it could be cleared with bleach. Any suggestions?
A: Please don't use bleach! Even diluted, it can be very irritating to the skin, and diabetics are especially susceptible to skin problems.
An alternate approach might be vitamin E oil applied to the nail and the nail bed. One reader sent the following: "I kept my toenail soaked with vitamin E oil, and the fungus disappeared completely. I can't recall how long it took, but it couldn't have been too long."