- Wake-up and breafast times are on a flexible schedule
- Catering to an individual's food preferences
- Wholesome and nutritious choices at every meal, with a wide variety of juices, snacks, and drinks
- Out of the ordinary behavior, not dangerous to other guests or care givers, is to be tolerated and noted
- Guests are respectfully invited and encouraged, but not forced to participate in each of our activities
- Warm hugs and holding are encouraged
- Field trips for those able to participate
- Daily bathing schedule times are negotiated whenever possible
Meeting your expectations of service
- Care for the incontinent
- Mom's Place will advance money, as needed, for special needs such medications, clothing etc.
- All bedrooms professionally decorated
- Assessing, monitoring and satisfying individual physical and emotional needs
Karaoke... Sing-A-Longs... And live entertainment
Our caregivers are here to serve our guests and...
- To listen, and to be supportive
- To be aware of our guests whereabouts
- To allay paranoia and other fears
- To coax into group activities
- To be aware of individual needs
- To hug and be hugged
- To maintain a guest's dignity regarding
any incontinency problems
Because we believe quality care starts with the staff, our care-givers are trained to treat each resident with compassion, dignity, and respect. They respond to an individual's needs and desires, and encourage friendships and bonding.
More Services That Set Us Apart
- Four full time care-givers providing 24 hour nurturing care and supervision to our six residents.
- Extensive staff training in both the emotional and physical needs of our residents.
- Assistance with bathing and personal hygiene daily.
- Focus on activities for both mind and body.
- Motion sensors in every bedroom to protect the residents from accidents resulting from night time wandering.
- Documentation of each resident's daily activities including any changes in mood swings, eating habits, sleeping, and elimination practices.
- Plenty of individual attention and interaction with our caregivers.
- Bi-monthly visits by our geriatrician and podiatrist.
Enhancing the Lives of our Guests Activities Tailored to Individual Needs
Cable TV Premium service from Discovery to HBO
Afternoon Tea Parties The perfect time for reminiscing
Videos The top musicals of our time and other lite fare
Playing Bingo is Fun. But winning is Better!
Books on Tape Over a hundred titles of mystery and romance
Sing Along Bring back old tunes and happy memories with visiting minstrels, sing along videos, karaoke and Mom's Place large print music books.
Favorite Meal Planning Weekly meals planned around each guest's favorite dish
Daily Exercise Morning exercise and individual walks around the neighborhood
Card Playing For cognitive therapy and socialization.
Weekly Junk Food Meals Hamburgers, Fried Chicken, Mexican
Arts & Crafts Paints, clay, crayons and more. Projects individually suited to create a sense of accomplishment